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Keep Safe On The Slopes

Basic Tips To Keep Safe On The Slopes

Respect Others - A ski­er or snow­board­er must be­have in such a way that he or she does not en­dan­ger or prej­u­dice others.

Con­trol your speed - Every ski­er or snow­board­er must move in con­trol. He must adapt the speed and man­n­er of ski­ing or snow­board­ing to his per­so­n­al abil­i­ty and to the pre­vail­ing con­di­tions of ter­rain, snow and weather.

Route - A ski­er or snow­board­er com­ing from be­hind must choose his route in such a way not to en­dan­ger skiers or snow­board­ers ahead

- A ski­er or snow­board­er may over­take another ski­er or snow­board­er above or be­low and to the right or to the left pro­vid­ed that he leaves enough space for the over­tak­en.

En­ter­ing, start­ing and mov­ing up­wards - A skier or snowboarder en­ter­ing a marked run, start­ing again af­ter stop­ping or mov­ing up­wards on the slopes must look up and down the slopes that he can do so without en­dan­gering himself or others.

- Un­less ab­so­lute­ly ne­ces­sary, a skier or snow­board­er must avoid stop­ping on the piste in nar­row places or where vis­i­bil­i­ty is re­strict­ed. After a fall in such a place, a skier or snowboarder must move and clear the slope as soon as pos­si­ble.

Climb­ing and de­s­cend­ing on foot - A ski­er or snow­board­er ei­ther climb­ing or de­s­cend­ing on foot must keep to the side of the slope.

Re­spect for signs and markings - Skiers and snow­board­ers must re­spect all signs and mark­ings.

Assistance - At accidents, ev­ery ski­er or snow­board­er is du­ty bound to as­sist.

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